Festival Programme

View the 2024 Sardam Festival Programme


Meet the 2024 Sardam Festival Participants

Workshops & Parallel Events

View the 2024 Sardam Festival Workshops and Parallel Events

welcome to the

international interdisciplinary literature festival / Cyprus

26-28 Sept 2024

Coming in


SARDAM, meaning "verbal slip" in Greek, is an annual, out of the box, interdisciplinary literature festival based in Cyprus (founded in 2013 - EFFE LABEL QUALIFICATION 2019-2020).

The festival presents the work of writers, writers-performers and other artists from Cyprus and abroad, through hybrid and interdisciplinary acts/collaborations (e.g. text and sound/music, slam poetry, live reading and contemporary dance, videopoetry, interactive literary installations, sound poetry, visual poetry, site-specific readings/acts, literature and A.I. / VR, and so on).

Besides presenting evenings full of alternative literary readings, screenings and interdisciplinary performances, the festival also presents exciting creative writing and performance workshops, writer's/artist's Residencies, as well as parallel events.

The festival has hosted emerging and established writers-performers from all over the world, including Katalin Ladik (Yoko Ono Prize 2016), Giovanni Fontana (founder of Epigenetic Poetry), Tomomi Adachi (Prix Ars Electronica 2019), and many others. One of the festival's main goals is to offer space to marginalized and underrepresented voices and to push literature and literary performance a step further. Join us!

Main Sponsor:


Supporters / Collaborators 2024: